Armfield Academy – Department - Science

Year 8 Curriculum Overview


To access your child’s science lessons, click the link below depending on their class. This link will take them directly to Google Classroom / their weekly activities.







8Y3 Year 8 prep code: dceh071f5r


Half Term 4


Curriculum Overview

Topic: Energy from food


WC 22/02

Session 1 - What makes a balanced diet?


It’s competition time!

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Particles revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 01/03

Consolidation, improvement and continued feedback (DIRT).

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom  


Session 2 - How do we test for food groups?


Session 3 - How is food broken down?


Session 4 - How is the digestive system adapted to absorb nutrients?


Session 5 - How do plants make their food?


WC 08/03

Consolidation, improvement and continued feedback (DIRT).

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom  


Session 6 - How do we test for starch?


Session 7 - How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis?


Session 8 - How are plants adapted to absorb water and nutrients?

Energy from food literacy task 

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 15/03

Consolidation, improvement and continued feedback (DIRT).

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom  


Session 9 - How do farmers grow more crops?


Session 10 - How do plants reproduce?


Session 11 - How do plants reproduce?


Consolidation and assessment session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 22/03

Revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Investigation lesson

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Investigation lesson

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom



  • Each lesson with start with a series of questions linked to both the previous lesson and topics studied previously.
  • Formative assessment of skills linked to practical work will enable students to demonstrate their acquisition of new skills.
  • Students are encouraged to consolidate learning at least once a week and seek tutor help if unsure on any topics.