Science, the most exciting and diverse subject, underpinning the modern world around us in every direction. The science department intend to provide a fully inclusive environment where all students experience high quality teaching enabling them “to be the best scientists that they can be”. Students are always encouraged to follow dreams and aspirations. Engaging lessons will bolster capital culture and deepen students thirst for investigation and exploration about how the world works. Pupils will be encouraged to become critical, logical and well-rounded young adults, especially in the age of social media and false information spreading. Any misconceptions will be unpicked and corrected as they arise. Through effective differentiation and challenge tasks, barriers to achievement will be removed and the teachers love for the subject can be passed down. 


Throughout all years, students encounter scientific literature and opportunities to discuss, contest and debate the information provided. Students are encouraged to communicate as scientists and we have a strong focus on the explicit teaching of tier 2 and tier 3 terminology. We promote the unpicking of unfamiliar and complex words using etymology skills, which your child will acquire. As a department, we have forged strong links with the mathematics department with the aim of ensuring learnt numerical skills can be applied fluently across both departments through the use of common language.


From your child’s intake into the nursery or reception, they will embark upon an exciting journey, learning one of the core subjects which covers, at all stages, the full national curriculum. We have worked hard to ensure a recovery curriculum has been put into place in light of the pandemic. Through subtle sequencing changes, we strive to ensure that all students have completed each Key Stage before moving on, ensuring fundamental principles have been mastered as well as students having studied the breadth and depth of the vast science curriculum. Our one curriculum model ensures that students have access to the same provisions and support, regardless of if they are in school or working from home. We firmly believe this is important for both inclusion and long-term student progress.


Schemes which spiral upwards, towards students agreed pathway choices, encourage the development of articulate and curious scientists. Schemes have been carefully constructed with opportunities at all stages to embed discussions about careers and prospects post-16. Retrieval has been embedded throughout the curriculum to help improve long term memory and help teachers identify then close any misconceptions which may have appeared during periods of remote education. Where possible, links to other subjects have been identified and this prior knowledge is then built upon. For example the topic of ecosystems is taught in geography alongside science so both departments are able to focus on the application of knowledge and skills.


  • EYFS

Throughout the early years phase, students are encouraged to make sense of their physical world through play and experiences. We aim to build upon students personal experiences to work from their prior knowledge and allow them to apply skills to new situations. Through child led practical investigations, students are encouraged to describe their observations and explore their natural surroundings.

  • Key Stage 1

Pupils are able to experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural and humanly constructed world around them. Lessons are formulated around student interests and their questions and they are prompted to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. Throughout key stage 1, students develop their scientific ideas and vocabulary through varied investigation and lines of enquiry. Whilst studying the strands of the national curriculum, students have the opportunity to practically explore the fundamental topics of science which underpins the rest of their scientific education.

  • Key Stage 2

From Year 3, students are provided with opportunities to broaden their scientific view of the world around them through further investigative work. Students are encouraged to develop their own hypothesis about a topic and then plan their own investigation to find out the answer. Through working scientifically, skills to display data are refined and discussions about how to present findings naturally take place. 


By the end of KS2, we expect children to be confident in building scientific enquiry and asking ‘big’ questions. They will have developed a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific fundamental principles which will enable them to progress into KS3


  • Key Stage 3

In Year 7, students begin an exciting 5-year learning journey that covers in full the National Curriculum. Over two years, students study a variety of interesting topics where the sequence of learning is based upon the students’ prior knowledge and is mapped out to ensure that all learning is built upon. We aim to ensure that students engage and enjoy the lessons, gaining transferable skills. The themes of each unit are shared alongside how the topics fit into the bigger picture across science and their education.

After coverage of the national curriculum has taken place, students when they are ready, embark on the first units of their GCSE science, drawing on knowledge and skills learnt from lower down school. Taught by subject specialists across the three disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, we strive to ensure full coverage of the fundamental units enabling the most flexibility as they embark on Key Stage 4 choices.

  • Key Stage 4

Depending up on the option pathway, students either study GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics, GCSE combined science or GCSE biology coupled with an entry level science qualification. Our staff work hard to ensure that your child is placed on the correct pathway yet still has the opportunity to gain strong qualifications and continue studying science post 16, be that through college, apprenticeships or employment.

Within each science the following units are studied;


Biology: 1. Cell biology, 2. Organisation, 3. Infection and response, 4. Bioenergetics, 5. Homeostasis and response,

6. Inheritance, variation and evolution, 7. Ecology.


Chemistry: 1. Atomic structure and the periodic table, 2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter,

3. Quantitative chemistry, 4. Chemical changes, 5. Energy changes, 6. The rate and extent of chemical change,

7. Organic chemistry, 8. Chemical analysis, 9. Chemistry of the atmosphere, 10. Using resources.


Physics: 1. Energy, 2. Electricity, 3. Particle model of matter, 4. Atomic structure, 5. Forces, 6. Waves, 7. Magnetism and electromagnetism, 8. Space physics.

These comprehensive courses are designed to enhance curiosity and enables students to search for meaning in natural and physical phenomena with a critical, creative but evidence-based mindset. Staff regularly enhance lessons with topics not on the curriculum to increase the breadth and depth of the subjects learnt. Through extensive knowledge of the specifications, we are able to link topics both within the three strands of science and cross curricular links putting the holistic education of the child at the forefront.

We have strong links with local colleges and have previously run projects in collaboration which have enabled students to become familiar with some staff from a variety of departments, easing transition to post 16 education. Our science career champion has identified where topics could lead to novel and interesting career options and students are encouraged to research further.


Science is known to open avenues to varied careers and we look forward to inspiring the next generation of:

Astronomers, Physicists, Chemical Engineers, Midwifes, Doctors, Biologists, Forensic Scientists, Veterinary Surgeons, Zoologists, Research Scientists, Science Teachers, Mechanical Engineers, Geologists, Meteorologists, Surgeons and Nurses as well as those who apply the skills learnt in science to other fields and industries.


Through strong partnership links with STEM learning, Ogden Trust, IoP, Future U and RSC, we provide enrichment both inside and outside the classroom. Students have the opportunity to take part in educational visits and competitions. We have a popular science club running and secondary students enjoy supporting the learning of our primary students when they make use of our extensive facilities. Making science more accessible, developing cultural capital and linking science to careers in the real world is how we firmly believe we will develop and encourage the scientists of the future.


Primary Science

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Key Stage 3 Science

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Year 10 Science

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Year 11 Science

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