Our central purpose is to ensure that all students at Armfield Academy achieve both the highest standards and have the best possible experiences whilst at the academy. These standards apply to all that students do. We aim to develop a coherent curriculum that builds on young people's experiences and prior learning in our ‘all-through’ 3-16 model, which enables all young people to become successful learners, confident readers and self-assured, responsible citizens.
Armfield Academy will lead our young people and community in an inspirational curriculum. FCAT and therefore Armfield Academy defines the curriculum as the totality of a child’s experience of education from 3-16, particularly the quality of teaching and learning, the explicit teaching of subject knowledge and the development of broader skills and personal qualities.
The principals of the curriculum at Armfield Academy will be built around ensuring the RIGHT curriculum is in place, the RIGHT curriculum being one were children and young people can expect to be:
- to be inspired
- to be inquisitive
- to be challenged
- to be ambitious
- to be nurtured
We achieve this via a curriculum that is driven by high quality teaching and learning delivered through “The Armfield Way”. This incorporates the approaches contained within the “FCAT Way” ensuring progression by delivering high and age related expectations, increasingly through a Mastery approach, thus developing:
- deep subject knowledge
- subject skills for learning and for life
- enriching opportunities within and beyond the classroom
Armfield will be a ‘knowledge-engaged’ academy in which knowledge underpins the application of skills – we will ensure skills are taught alongside the mastery of subject knowledge. Our approaches to assessment will recognise the acquisition of this knowledge and relevant skills.
In Armfield an all-through model recognises the importance of effective transition across Key Stages and of following progressive and developmental phases of learning:
- Phase 1 incorporates EYFS to Year 1
- Phase 2 covers Year 2 to Year 4
- Phase 3 covers Years 5 to 7
- Phase 4 covers Years 8 and 9
- Phase 5 covers Years 10 and 11
The principles of curriculum design identify Years 5 to 8 as a key phase of learning for our all through academy.
In this section you will find information about all our subject areas. As we are a new academy there will be slight alterations made as the year progresses but this should give you a broad overview.