History Remote Learning Plan

Year 8

Week Commencing

Curriculum Overview


Enquiry Questions: Did life in Industrial Britain offer a glimpse of hell? How did the research of Hallie Rubenhold change our understanding of the murders of Jack the Ripper?


Home Learning Information Half Term 4

22nd February 2020

What were conditions like in Industrial towns and cities?

Why was Cholera Britain’s hidden killer?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email l.blackburn@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes.

1st March 2020

Did public health improve in Industrial Britain?

To what extent was there a revolution in healthcare?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email l.blackburn@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes.

8th March 2020

End of Enquiry Assessment

Feedback, DIRT & Pupil Voice

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email l.blackburn@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes.

15th March 2020

Who were the victims of Jack the Ripper?

What do the murders of Jack the Ripper reveal about life in Victorian Britain?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email l.blackburn@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes.

22nd March

What do the murders of Jack the Ripper reveal about life in Victorian Britain?

Why was it so difficult to capture Jack the Ripper?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email l.blackburn@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes.

Additional Learning Resources:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6As8AIbKK5Q – Social Change during the Industrial Revolution – Documentary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9BdVHCuNPs – The Industrial Revolution – Andrew Marr’s History of the World