History Remote Learning Plan
Year 9
Week Commencing |
Curriculum Overview
Enquiry Questions: What was the Holocaust and how did it happen? To what extent did Britain fight a total war during World War Two?
Home Learning Information Half Term 4 |
22nd February 2020 |
How did the Holocaust end? How did “never again” become “yet again”? Post-World War Two Genocides |
Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes. |
1st March 2020 |
End of Enquiry Assessment Feedback, DIRT & Pupil Voice |
Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes. |
8th March 2020 |
Was World War Two inevitable? (Long-term causes of WWII) Was appeasement the right choice? (Short-term causes of WWII) |
Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes. |
15th March 2020 |
Dunkirk: A glorious victory, or a devastating defeat? How significant was the Battle of Britain? |
Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes. |
22nd March |
Was the bombing of Dresden a war crime? How successful was the British campaign in Burma? |
Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set. Live drop-in sessions for all classes. |
Additional Learning Resources:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRcNq4OYTyE – The Path to Nazi Genocide Documentary
https://www.channel4.com/programmes/auschwitz-untold-in-colour - Auschwitz Untold: In Colour – Channel 4 Documentary