Geography Remote Learning Plan

Year 9

Week Commencing

Curriculum Overview

Home Learning Information Half Term 4

22nd February 2020

What happened in Rwanda?

Where are the Falklands?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online and submitted via Google Classroom or on paper and brought back into school. Please email if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

1st March 2020

What are child soldiers? Part 1

What are child soldiers? Part 2

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online and submitted via Google Classroom or on paper and brought back into school. Please email if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

8th March 2020

Who is Treo?

End of Enquiry Assessment

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online and submitted via Google Classroom or on paper and brought back into school. Please email if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

15th March 2020

Feedback, DIRT & Pupil Voice

What is Development?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online and submitted via Google Classroom or on paper and brought back into school. Please email if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

22nd March

How rich are you?

What are development indicators?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online and submitted via Google Classroom or on paper and brought back into school. Please email if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.