Armfield Academy – Department - Science
Year 7 Curriculum Overview
To access your child’s science lessons, click the link below depending on their class. This link will take them directly to Google Classroom / their weekly activities. |
7A |
7R |
7M |
7F |
7L |
7D | Year 7 prep code: mjwjsn7lxi
Half Term 4 |
Date |
Curriculum Overview Topic: Energy and consolidation of all topics |
WC 22/02 |
Is nuclear power an effective and safe energy resource? |
How do we transfer heat with particles (solids)? |
How do we transfer heat with particles (liquids and gases)? |
How do we transfer heat without particles? |
Fun Friday investigation
WC 01/03 |
Energy literacy task |
How can I save energy and money in my home? |
How can we represent energy transfers? |
What is efficiency? |
Fun Friday investigation
WC 08/03 |
How do machines work? |
How much does energy usage cost? |
What is gravitational potential energy and how do we measure it? |
What is kinetic energy and how do we measure it? |
Fun Friday investigation
WC 15/03 |
How much does energy usage cost? (1) |
How much does energy usage cost? (2) |
Revision on energy |
Energy assessment |
Fun Friday investigation
WC 22/03 |
Forces revision and consolidation session |
Particles revision and consolidation session |
Cells revision and consolidation session |
Investigation lesson |
Fun Friday investigation
- Each lesson with start with a series of questions linked to both the previous lesson and topics studied previously.
- Formative assessment of skills linked to practical work will enable students to demonstrate their acquisition of new skills.
- Students are encouraged to consolidate learning at least once a week and seek tutor help if unsure on any topics.