Armfield Academy – Department - Science

Year 7 Curriculum Overview



To access your child’s science lessons, click the link below depending on their class. This link will take them directly to Google Classroom / their weekly activities.






7D Year 7 prep code: mjwjsn7lxi


Half Term 4


Curriculum Overview

Topic: Energy and consolidation of all topics


WC 22/02

Is nuclear power an effective and safe energy resource?


How do we transfer heat with particles (solids)?


How do we transfer heat with particles (liquids and gases)?


How do we transfer heat without particles? 


Fun Friday investigation


  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 01/03

Energy literacy task 

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


How can I save energy and money in my home?


How can we represent energy transfers?


What is efficiency?


Fun Friday investigation


  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 08/03

How do machines work?


How much does energy usage cost?


What is gravitational potential energy and how do we measure it?

What is kinetic energy and how do we measure it?

Fun Friday investigation


  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 15/03

How much does energy usage cost? (1)


How much does energy usage cost? (2)


Revision on energy

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Energy assessment

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Fun Friday investigation


  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


WC 22/03

Forces revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Particles revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Cells revision and consolidation session

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Investigation lesson

  • Everything you need is on the google classroom


Fun Friday investigation


  • Everything you need is on the google classroom




  • Each lesson with start with a series of questions linked to both the previous lesson and topics studied previously.
  • Formative assessment of skills linked to practical work will enable students to demonstrate their acquisition of new skills.
  • Students are encouraged to consolidate learning at least once a week and seek tutor help if unsure on any topics.