Key Stage 4 Options Choices


I am writing to with you details of the Year 9 options process. First of all, thank you for your patience over recent months. With the easing of restrictions in schools, it looks very likely that we will be able to go ahead with our options evening in person.


This is a pivotal time for students and it’s important that their choices are informed by all the information available. With this in mind, I’d like to share with you our timeline for the options process.





Thursday 20th January 2022

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

A chance to discuss the progress of your child in all their subject areas.  This will help you decide on the best options to take.


Subject specific information

Teachers will use some time in their lessons to ensure that students are made aware of what courses in their subject areas entail.

w/b 28th February 2022

Options assembly

Inform students of how the options process works.

w/b 7th March 2022

Options booklet and options form sent home.

Please take some time to read through this with your child.  This will help you if you need to ask any questions at options evening.

Thursday 10th March at 6pm

Options Evening

Information about curriculum reform and how this affects your child.  A chance to speak to staff from all subject areas in order to make the right choices.

Friday 18th March 2022

Deadline for options form to be returned to your child’s tutor.

Please ensure that the form is returned by this date.

Completed by Friday 1st April 2022

Options interviews

Some students will meet with a member of staff to discuss their choices.  This is an opportunity to discuss whether the right choices have been made and whether all subjects on offer have enough students to be viable.

w/b 25th April 2022

Options finalised

We will write to you to confirm the final options decisions.


As you can see, there are multiple steps in the process to ensure that the correct decisions are made for your child.  Throughout this time, please do not hesitate to contact school if you need any clarification at all.


Please click here for a link to the ‘Options Selection Form’ document.

Please click here for a link to the ‘Pathway A’ Booklet.

Please click here for a link to the ‘Pathway V’ Booklet.


Thank you for your continued support.