History Remote Learning Plan

Year 7

Week Commencing

Curriculum Overview


Enquiry Questions: What challenges did Medieval Kings face? Why was the Black Death so significant?


Home Learning Information Half Term 4

22nd February 2020

Did a woman rule Medieval England?

Why did the peasants revolt?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk or s.wilkinson@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

1st March 2020

 N/A – Geography Week.

N/A – Geography Week.

8th March 2020

End of Enquiry Assessment

Feedback, DIRT & Pupil Voice

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk or s.wilkinson@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.

15th March 2020

N/A – Geography Week.

N/A – Geography Week.

22nd March

What was life like in a Medieval town and village?

What was the Black Death and what did people think had caused it?

Pre-recorded lesson videos to be uploaded to Google Classroom alongside lesson resources and guidance – all work to be completed online on the Google Doc provided, and submitted via Google Classroom. Please email b.renouf@armfield.fcat.org.uk or s.wilkinson@armfield.fcat.org.uk if there are any issues or problems with access or any of the work set.