Armfield Academy Design and Technology

Year 7 Curriculum Overview


Year 7


Curriculum Overview

Remote Learning

Half Term 3

WC 04/01

DT- Product Design unit

Introduction to product design leading to a practical project in the workshop.

  • Health and Safety
  • Tools and Equipment
  • What is a brief?

All remote learning resources are uploaded weekly on google classroom.


Work can be completed online and handed in via Google Classroom or completed on paper and handed in to me when students return to school.

If you have any issues, please email




WC 11/01


DT- Research and analysis around the topic of Memphis.

  • Gathering research
  • Analysing research
  • Presenting own ideas


 WC 18/01



Pending government review students to return to school. Further sections to be added to compliment in school learning – Remote section coming soon.